Feedback Gallery

Feedback Gallery

You can turn your galleries into feedback galleries where your customers can rate each photo with a colour scale in the gallery. This simplifies your workflow and centralises communication with your customers.

Activate Feedback Gallery

To activate this option, open the Gallery Settings of the selected gallery. Within this menu you need to activate the Feedback Gallery option and click on Save. This will turn your gallery into a feedback gallery.

Show feedback gallery option in gallery settings

You can disable this option at any time.

Shared Feedback Gallery

Once the gallery has been set up as a feedback gallery, customers can rate the images in it. By clicking on any image, three coloured circles will appear in the bottom left corner of the image, allowing your clients to rate the image as follows:
Green, for selected.
Orange, for uncertain.
Red, for rejected.

Image marked with feedback

Once rated, images in the Shared Link Gallery will be marked with a coloured circle in the upper left corner to indicate selection. It is also possible to filter the images displayed in the shared gallery by clicking the Feedback button in the top left corner and selecting the desired option.

Shared feedback gallery with selections

Viewing feedback

Client feedback can be viewed in your account in the Gallery menu. You will notice that each image is marked with a red, orange or green circle in the top left corner, reflecting the client’s choice.

Images marked with feedback within the gallery menu

For an efficient workflow, we recommend that you enable comments for the gallery so that clients can leave comments on images and request changes if necessary. For more information, see the following article on how to activate comments.

Note that this feature will also affect your customer’s Wish List; once this feature is enabled, they will not only be able to mark the photos as green, orange or red, but they will also be able to select the desired photos for their Wish List and send their selection to you. For more information, see the Wish List article.


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