Common Group Galleries

Common Group Galleries

In addition to creating individual galleries, you can also create common group galleries that can be accessed from all individual QR galleries. This means that anyone can order group photos without having to add them manually to each gallery. There are two ways to create Common Galleries:

1. Manual creation

To create one, open the gallery within the Photo Job group where you want to create the Common Gallery. Click on Add and select Add a new common group gallery (e.g. group photos). A menu will appear for you to enter the Title, Description and select the Photography type. Once these are filled in, click on the Create button. By default, the common group gallery created will open for you to upload the desired photos by clicking on the Add images button.

Adding Common Group Gallery

2. Automatic creation with QR code

You can create QR code cards that you can use at the photo shoot to take the QR code first and then the group photo. This allows you to automatically create shared group galleries in the same way as individual galleries.
For more information on how to create Common group gallery cards, read the QR Codes menu article.

For more information on how the automatic sorting workflow is done, read the Photo Job — Workflow guide.

Price list for Common Group Galleries

By default, Common Group Galleries inherit the price list from the Photo Job. Note that if the price list includes the File download: All images in full size option, you must also activate the Include all group galleries (photo jobs only) option. This ensures that digital files from common group galleries are included alongside the individual images of each gallery. For more information, read the Price Lists: File Download article.

When configuring the Photo Job, an option to set a different price list for common group galleries is displayed for you to activate. You can activate this option at any time by opening the Photo job settings and activating the Optional: Price list for group photos. This will display a box for you to select the desired price list for all the common group galleries within the Photo Job. Once selected, click save.

Adding Common Group Gallery

It is also possible to set a specific price list for a particular common group gallery. To do that, open the common group gallery and click on the Gallery settings button displayed on the right column. By default, settings are inherited from the Photo Job. By deactivating the Inherit photo job settings, you will be able to select a specific price list and activate the promotion if desired.

Published Common Group Galleries

Common group galleries are accessible from all individual galleries within the group. When a customer enters their individual gallery, the common galleries will be displayed at the top. Clients can access them by clicking on them and will be able to add the photos from the common gallery to their order.

Gallery with common group gallery


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