Gallery access page
The gallery access page allows you to create a customized page for accessing individual galleries. On this page, you can add text, images, and additional pages, as well as a box where customers can enter their unique gallery key to access their personal gallery. This customization enhances the customer experience by providing relevant information and enabling access to multiple galleries from the same page when necessary.
To activate this, go to the Sales panel and click on Gallery access page. You need to activate this option and type a title for the page in the corresponding box. Once written, click on Save changes. This will create the link to the page.
By default, the gallery access page includes a box where users with the link can enter their unique access key to access their personal gallery.
Add a logo
It is possible to add a logo to the Gallery access page by clicking the Upload image button and selecting the desired image as a logo. In addition to uploading the logo, you need to tick the checkbox Show logo image on your gallery access page.
Integrate gallery access to your website
It is possible to show this gallery access page on your own domain. By clicking the Download web-integration button, a ZIP file will be downloaded. This file allows you to upload the content to your server. Note that an SSL certificate must be installed on your domain.
Your pages
This feature is only available with Saal Prio Max.
You can add up to 5 pages to the Gallery access page. These pages will be displayed as tabs at the top and show the elements you add to each of them, allowing you to customize the way information is provided to your end customer.
To add a page, click the Add button. This will bring up a menu for you to type the Title and Title in navigation. Once entered, click on Continue. A new empty page will be displayed under the Your pages header for customization.
To create additional pages, click again on the Add button. You can rearrange the pages created by clicking on the arrows on the right. You can activate and deactivate each page created by clicking the green selector on the left.
To edit a page, click on its name or the wrench icon next to the name. The page menu will be displayed for you to add the desired elements on the page. On the right column, you will find some functions:
Edit: Allows you to change the Title and Title in navigation of the page.
Duplicate: Creates a duplicate of the page and its content.
Delete: Removes the page.
Add an element
To add an element, click the blue Add button at the top left and select whether to add Text, Image, or a Gallery access key form.
Selecting the Text option will bring up the text menu. Here, you can add a Headline for your text in the Headline box. The Message box allows you to write the desired text and format it as needed, including bold, italic, or underline, creating numbering or bullet points, and adding a link if required.To add a link, first type the desired text, select it, and click on the Link button. This will display a box for you to enter the desired URL. Once the text has been created, click on Save.
Selecting the Image option allows you to upload an image to be displayed on the page. Note that this image is not meant to be sold, but rather to personalize the page. Click on Upload image to select the desired image. We recommend an image with a minimum width of 672px. Once selected, click on Save.
Gallery access key form
Selecting this option brings up the menu to tailor the text on the gallery access key form. You can add a Headline and a message to be displayed. This allows you to provide extra information on how to enter the key form for your customers.
Note that, you must add at least one gallery access key form on one page to allow customer access to their own galleries. Once done, click on Save.
Modifying elements
All added elements to a page can be modified by selecting them or clicking on the wrench icon. This will open the corresponding menu, allowing you to modify the content as needed or delete the element if necessary.
It is possible to rearrange elements as desired by clicking on the arrows on the left. Elements can also be deactivated by toggling them.
Review the Gallery Access Page
Before sharing the page with your clients, we recommend that you review it to ensure that all content is as desired and make any necessary adjustments.