Neutral QR code cards
Blank QR code cards can be created without being assigned to a specific Photo Job or Group. These cards can be printed and used during a photo shoot for unexpected participants or when additional participants are anticipated, but their Group or Photo Job assignment is not yet determined. Once used, the QR code can later be assigned to a Group within a Photo Job.
Create Blank QR Code Cards
As these are not yet assigned to any Photo Job, you need to create them from the Photo Jobs menu, without entering a Photo Job. By clicking the QR codes button in the right column, the Blank QR code menu will be displayed.
To create a Blank QR code cards, click on Create blank access cards. This will open a menu with options to customize your QR code card as needed. Within the Number of participants box, you can type the number of QR code cards you want to create. Additionally, you can specify the types of photos the participant might want by ticking the corresponding box. Once configured, click on Create.
Created QR Codes are displayed in the QR Code menu. Clicking the Download button will download a PDF with all created Blank QR Code cards. Clicking the Download CSV file button will download an Excel file with links associated with each QR Code.
Photo shooting
Note that you must print out the QR Blank Cards and bring them with you to the photo shoot. Each QR code card must be photographed for each participant to ensure automatic sorting of the photos. Furthermore, you must ensure that each participant signs the GDPR agreement and keeps the QR code for gallery access.
After the Photo Shooting
After the shoot day, you will need to upload each participant’s QR code photo along with the selected photos you want to share or sell. For more information, see the Workflow — Step-by-Step Guide article.
To add these Blank QR cards to a Photo job and integrate them into the workflow, you have four options:
1. Add to a Group within a Photo Job
Open the group within the Photo Job to which the participant, who has joined via this Blank QR Code, belongs. As with the other participants, you will need to upload the QR code first, followed by the participant’s photos. The Start sorting automatically option will appear, and the gallery will be created automatically by clicking it.
2. Add to a Photo Job with one group
You can upload each QR code, followed by each participant’s photo, directly to the Photo Job by clicking the Upload images button in the right column. The images will be displayed in the Photo Job and the Start sorting automatically button will be available at the top. Since only one group is created in the Photo Job, clicking the Start sorting automatically button will automatically create an individual gallery for each participant in the group.
3. Add to a Photo Job with multiple groups
If you upload the QR code followed by a participant’s images to a Photo Job with multiple groups, you will need to manually assign the images to each group. Note that even if the Start sorting automatically button is displayed, it will not sort the images, and if you click on it, a warning message will appear indicating that manual sorting is required.
To manually sort the images, you must first select them. Activate the select multiple checkbox in the top right corner to select the QR code along with the images that need to be moved. Once an image is selected, the right column will display some options.
By clicking the Move to button, a menu with the groups already created within the Photo Job will be displayed for you to select the appropriate one. Once the group is selected, click the green move button in the bottom right corner. The selected photos will be moved to the selected group. You need to enter the group and click Start sorting automatically to automatically create the individual gallery for each QR code.
4. Add to a Photo Job with assigned QR Cards
Even if multiple groups are created within a Photo Job, it is possible to automatically sort participants who have joined via this blank QR code into their respective group if they are added between other participants already assigned to a group. The system will automatically identify the unassigned Blank QR Code as part of the group and automatically create a gallery.
In other words, if all QR Codes and images are uploaded directly to the photo job, and the blank QR Code and images of the participant who has not previously been assigned to a group is placed between participants who have already been assigned to a group, by clicking on Start sorting automatically, the participant who has not been assigned to a group will automatically assume the group around.