Photo Job - General menu

Photo Job — General menu

This is the default menu displayed when a Photo Job is accessed. It provides all the information related to the Photo Job for a quick overview, as well as tools for customisation.

Photo Job general menu

Customisation tools are displayed as:
Settings, this section contains:
- Photo job settings: Includes all settings for sharing, selling and appearance.
- Online registration settings: Manage online registration tools. See the Online Registration article for more information.
Functions, this section contains:
- Archive: Archive the photo job when everything is complete. See the Archive section for more information.

Photo job settings

Clicking this button displays a menu with two tabs. The default tab, Photo job settings, displays the information entered when the job was created. Changes and additional information can be added as required. See the Photo Job — Workflow guide article for more information.

Photo Job General Menu

Clicking on Show more, will reveal additional customisation tools:
First user assigns the password: Allows the first user to set the gallery password on login.
Filter products by image aspect ratio: Allows customers to only order products that match the aspect ratio of the image.
Allow image editing/cropping: Allow customers to crop and resize the ordered image based on the format of the selected photo product.
Replace images before ordering: Allows you to upload final files after the order has been placed and before it is sent to production. See the Block orders and replace images article for more information.
Once done remember to click on Continue

More Photo Job settings

Style and appearance

Click on the tab at the top of the Photo job settings menu to access it. Note that changes made here will affect all galleries and groups within the Photo Job. Customisable options include:
Style and appearance settings

Display mode: Select a display mode for all galleries.
Display mode for mobile devices: Select a display mode for mobile devices.
Appearance: Opt for a Dark or Light appearance for your galleries.
Watermark: Activate a watermark to display over the photos in your galleries. See the Watermark article for more information.
Comments: Allow comments on galleries for direct customer feedback. See the Comments article for more information.
Feedback Gallery: Allow users to rate photos with a colour scale and provide feedback. See the Feedback gallery article for more information.
Remember to click on Continue once the changes have been made.

Group and Gallery General menu

Note that the Group and Gallery General Menu is slightly different from the Photo Job General Menu. It contains fewer options, as most of them are inherited from the parent Photo Job. These menus provide information about individual groups or galleries for a quick overview.

General Group menu

Clicking on the Group settings button of an individual group will display a menu with the Inherit photo job settings option activated. Deactivating this option allows the customisation of specific settings for that gallery or group. Note that once this option is deactivated, any changes made to the Photo Job will not be inherited.

Photo Job settings not inherited

Remenber to click on Continue after making any changes.


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