Order management

Streamlined Order Tracking & Control

Order Management

Order Management

Gain comprehensive insights with an overview of all orders, including essential details like order dates, numbers, customer information, total amounts, and profits. This feature allows you to track and manage each transaction effectively, offering a clear snapshot of your sales activity, ensuring you stay informed about the status and details of customer purchases.

Manual Approval (optional)

Manual Approval (optional)

Review and approve every order before it heads into production. This manual approval process grants you the authority to ensure each order meets your standards, offering a final quality check, guaranteeing customer satisfaction and maintaining high-quality output.

Settlement List

Settlement List

Navigate your financials with ease using the settlement list, which provides a monthly aggregated overview of your earnings. Each settlement displays detailed information about orders placed through your galleries, including the profit achieved. Payouts are arranged to be made on the 15th of the following month.

Replace Images (optional)

Replace Images (optional)

Optimise your workflow by first uploading unedited and/or low resolution images as a preview. When you receive an order, you will be asked to swap the images before placing the order. This allows you to either save storage space or only edit the images that are ordered by your customer. This allows you to offer products of excellent quality.

CSV Export

CSV Export

Easily export your orders and contact lists to CSV format, enabling seamless integration with other systems or detailed analysis using spreadsheet software. This functionality enhances your ability to organise, analyse, and utilise your data outside the platform, offering flexibility in how you manage and interpret your business information.

Direct Delivery or In-Store Collection

Direct Delivery or In-Store Collection

Choose the most suitable delivery option for your business, whether it’s direct delivery to the customer’s address or collection at your studio. This flexibility allows you to add a personal touch to orders, potentially repackaging them for a branded experience, or simply streamlining the distribution process to meet your operational needs.

Delayed Handover to Production

Delayed Handover to Production

With the Delayed Handover feature, you can set a custom delay for orders before they are sent to production. This gives you extra time to make changes, without relying on manual approvals. Configure the delay easily in your Sales and bill settings, and once the time is up, orders will be processed and handed over to Production.

Adapted to Your Workflow

Whatever your gallery, project, or workflow needs may be, we have the solutions to cover them all.

35% Professional Discount

Enjoy a 35% discount on photo products manufactured by our lab, sold directly to your clients.

All-in-One platform

We cover payment processing, billing, email workflows, production, shipping and customer care.

No commission

100% of the profit from photo products is yours

Extensive Product Range

Increase your revenue with Saal Digital's extensive range of photo products.

Let’s Begin Your Journey

Let’s Begin Your Journey

Explore Saal Photo Portal: create galleries, projects, and sell images easily. Sign up for free to explore independently or book a demo for a guided walkthrough tailored to your workflow. Start building your digital showcase now!

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